Welcome to America’s Revolutionary Experiment!
We examine our present politics with an eye toward the intentions of our founding fathers. To get involved:

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Blog with the Founders
Read about recent news from the perspective of our founding fathers. Please leave your comments on each post.
Was the American Revolution for the Greater Good?
War has a long-lasting impact beyond what anyone can imagine, save for those who have gone through it. Although it is presented as a means of producing a reasonable outcome, sometimes, when push comes to a shove, retaliation is the only choice. Not only is your safety...
From The Shadows: Things You Did Not Know About American History
As the world develops around us at such lightning-fast speed, it’s hard to imagine what it used to be like. However, it does make you wonder how it all started. How did people make peace with the ever-evolving technology? Although it has resulted in greater...
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